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Global Differential GPS System
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GLONASS corrections, orbit and clocks

Real-Time GLONASS Corrections, Orbit and Clock States

Real-time orbit and clock states for GLONASS satellites are being derived using data from a global network of more than 40 tracking sites, supporting sub-meter precise point positioning of ground sites with GLONASS data only (no GPS data).

Key product attributes are:

< 20 cm 3D RMS
< 50 cm RMS
< 50 cm RMS
Orbit and clock latency 1 minute
Corrections Latency 6 seconds
Correction Format JPL proprietary
Correction Frequency 1 Hz
Correction Access Mode UDP
File Access Mode sFTP
File Format SP3c

The differential corrections are available as a 1 Hz real-time binary data stream, providing full orbit and clock corrections for every satellite every second. The corrections are relative to the GLONASS broadcast ephemerides (these are available as a separate product).

The orbit and clock solutions are available for secure FTP as 1 minute files with 1 minute latency. Daily files are also available.

All the GDGPS GLONASS orbit and clock products are referenced to ITRF2008 and to GPS Time, fully consistent with the GDGPS GPS products, and enabling joint processing of GLONASS and GPS data.

As the GLONASS constellation builds up and as our tracking network densifies, we anticipate gradual improvement in the performance of the real-time orbit determination toward the GPS levels.

Real-time GNSS
Products & Services
Precise, Global, Reliable
- Embedded Autonomous Ephemeris Prediction (AEP) software
- Orbit & Clock Corrections
- Orbit & Clock States
- Broadcast Ephemeris & Almanac
- Complete 50 bps Navigation Message
- Global Ionospheric (TEC) Maps
- Raw Measurements
- Predicted Orbit & Clock States
- Integrity & Performance Monitoring
- Global Virtual Reference Network
- Assisted GNSS Data
- GLONASS corrections, orbit and clocks

- Automatic Precise Positioning Service
- Consulting
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